from "Threnody in Three Voices"
Whooshing through one square, he opened his lungs
This started the apprehension, that a crafty
The Dr. irrigated Jule’s nose with ice water
and timid policy was getting rid of
and a syringe. She was panicky and screamed and
to the delights of a bakery and a
begged the Dr. not to. I nearly broke down then.
individuals, while all were suspected.
tobacconist’s; through another, he
His favored, who enjoyed an unheard of license,
Marci loves to be picked up and dance around
shivered at a Schubert melody played upon
brought the debaucheries of court, its intrigues, its easy
while you hold her. She and Jule dance together
marriages, and the other indulgences of
a piano just slightly out of tune.
and love it. Jule likes to try and teach Marci
and younger. Farther down into the city, until
to talk. She now says quite a few words for her big sister.
despotic power, before a mind passionately
that thin rivulet of ice abruptly ended
Dr. put girls’ names on list for Salk vaccine
and he had to catch himself from hurtling headlong.
fond of such things, dwelt upon them as his if he
when available.
By this morning Jule was covered
He stood in another square and looked about.
dared to seize them, and reproached the inaction
with measles, except her legs and feet. Her
Radiant hues had been replaced by a monochrome
that would leave them to others.
Such was the
fever was gone but returned in afternoon.
temper of men's minds, that, while there were few to venture
of lead. The pervasive odor was of discarded
Tried to get some of my reading done. Kids are so full
mop water. Sounds came to him muffled as
on so atrocious a treason, many wished it done,
those from beyond asylum walls.
And his own person?
and all were ready to acquiesce.
of mischief. Hard to concentrate on anything.
It was as if they were demanding some spectacle
He had become the third iteration of himself
We took Jule down for Bible School at 9 a.m. She
in the circus or amphitheatre. They had not indeed
in just that one morning: this one, a functionary,
said she’d try it and if she didn’t like it,
any discrimination or sincerity,
well under average height and clothed in a gray
she didn’t want to go anymore. She liked it.
for on that same day they would raise with equal
wrinkled suit, one size too large.
In front of him stood
Drove down to new Tastee Freeze to inquire
zeal a wholly different cry. It was their custom to flatter
a washed out three-story building that he understood
about starting one up. No deal, I guess.
any ruler with reckless applause and meaningless fervor.
Jule won’t mind at all now unless you get
was his workplace. Glancing at his watch,
Soon, as happens with these great fictions, men
a strap out and threaten her with it.
he realized that he was tardy.
asserted that they had been present, and had seen
So, small as he was, he entered, took a seat in
The East cleaning up after the flash floods. Heartbreaking
the deed; and, between the delight of some and the
the grimy anteroom, and waited to be
job. People dead and still buried under debris.
indifference of others, the report was
summoned. He stared at the brown door straight
Factories and towns ruined -- people out of work.
easily received. just as belief in hatred is but too ready.
So peaceful while Jule is in school -- must admit.
across the room; he was not especially anxious,
Jule and Marci make so much noise when they’re
Otho did not fail to play his part; he stretched out
but merely resigned to a scolding.
his arms, and bowed to the crowd, and kissed his hands, and
playing. Drives me crazy!
Marci tries to act
the door opened, though he could see no one
and talk just like Jule when they’re together. Some
inside. And when he stepped through the doorway,
good and some bad and very fresh! Marci is also
altogether acted the slave, to make himself
he found himself not in another interior space,
the master. The more insincere their demonstrations, the more
beginning to hum or sing along with the
but on a sidewalk that wound its way through
they multiplied them. A day spent in crime found its last horror
TV ads. Tries to get right on the note. Has
well-manicured lawns.
As he stood gazing
in the rejoicings that concluded it.
a good ear.
Jule was in a singing group for a
The Forum yet streamed with blood, when he was
about, it gradually occurred to him that he knew this place --
minstrel show. She got a kick out of it.
borne in a litter over heaps of dead to the Capitol.
the campus of the school he’d retired from months before.

Joel Chace has published work in print and electronic magazines such as Lana Turner, Survision, Eratio, Otoliths, Word For/Word, Golden Handcuffs Review, New American Writing, and The Brooklyn Rail. His full-length collections include matter no matter, from Paper Kite Press, Humors, from Paloma Press, Threnodies, from Moria Books, fata morgana, from Unlikely Books, and Maths, from Chax Press. Underrated Provinces is due out from Mad Hat Press in 2024. For more than forty years, Chace was a working jazz pianist. He is an NEH Fellow. Joel recommends supporting locofo chapbooks.