hearsay photos
hearsay of what is happening. in a moment a deafening roar has. towards the nubble. making a sound on the other side of dark. however, just ask the voice visiting. the slightest idea what will happen. and soon fall into dis-pair. once wrote in the empty spaces. elsewhere problems. a breeze kicked with sudden ferocity. adoringly and frightened examiner. blocked the stomach. under the plain of the old rusted trucks. that was not the sheath is that prior. other lights, other neighbourhoods. slept on the sand. with a restless movement of the knee. endangered distance between guesses and a stack of hay.
pouting, making a hand gesture. furrowed. a photo of a sheet of ice. having there at various monitoring points. reddish dust, uncomfortable. the foam springs. compensation for a more dignified life. exploration sufficed dropped into water. involuntary moan so.
able memories. aplomb. with as much assiduity. defeated. to found new cities. the volume of paper. and a dome of truth with opposite legs. to flip. only one reputation was somewhat in the background. the mix of voices, just. in some places uttering a curse. cross legged. asserting rights blowing twice. equal sinks, equal throwing. the ruin of giving reasons. a photo of colored nebulous. applause, just against your own affairs.
a reply of no ancestral founding. a pool of commentary. one photo covered sources with important reserves. a rate of dry wood. there are not enough reposed on crushed ice. a photo of a creek. bones in autumn.
symptoms that never work. outside like that or not. swirls back into the woods. greyish white. long tables with skin too soft. a photo that best stay in front to suit wrong. the separation of the wheel and oscillating individual. perforce. in the form of sparks and black smoke. looking down to panic. the distance between those pages and contours of cold air. a suit of some mirrors, a suit of waves. a view of a small block of yellow brick.
more ability to gain support. little by little, nothing possessed. waiting for another wind beneath silence the very idea. there is a map of doubt after this. cleansed. think about your broken hinge. dingy fallow. without showing the slightest imagination. in the vast prairie, a windmill. a clamor of myself, an audio. completely absorbed. swimming for my eardrums. it may be common.
a photo of a chin. along with the name of the protagonist. of the other half. few nooks in show. gunpowder and lead in such a trivial obstacle. Insincerity. rose early, waterless. (madrugó, madrugo.) thereof slowly. there the movements of flashes.
more and more above the waterline. hearsay. not a grave manner. this was a question about the words of enemies. the melody in infancy was a grave error. with a voice left smooth. sometimes a hatch in the corridor. disclosed and potholes of muddy water.
take that language as a complaint. for a time around the city mediocre. a time in autumn. a voice in autumn. an involuntary body, a festering body. of the links of fingers.
slugger treble. unrivaled. in hand damp and burning. graters so forth. the map of teeth. sweet and pristine. identical to the immutable twilight. my concert is still. slowly. other bacteria. the breeze even and opaque. a derisive glance. is to discover a new sea. mounted on your verbal star. awake with lips full of sand.

R. Keith is a persona that works with poetics, fiction, visuals.
Currently he is publishing one book each month for a year.
Latest books include: 9999 (Cajun Mutt Press), Plangent, The book of (Alien Buddha Press), a polemic study of negative space (Ma Press), FLOP (Rust Belt Press) His visual art has been presented in galleries in Canada, Malta, and Russia.
He recommends the Brain and Behavior Research Fund.