"i Stand" and "A Love Poem to My Books"
i Stand
i have a Great Plains laugh; it floats across the prairie and collides with the Rockies who then echo it to me but it sounds different
it says: remember where you were born
i was the desert child, the sagebrush serenader, the coyote caller
rendezvous with the Cheyenne and the other little girls put ribbons in your hair
i tattooed a dreamcatcher on my arm, the feathers pointing in each direction
so that i can always find my way home to the place where my father stood and said,
today is a good day to die
i knew Sitting Bull before sitting pretty
and images of bareback warriors protecting the tribe lulled me to sleep in the thud of the wild mustangs hooves
i have crossed deserts, meadows, mountains, and oceans
to get away from my white (wo)man’s burden
drowning my trail of tears in firewater
but there you stand
speaking for the mother whose voice we can no longer hear
once again saying,
this is not yours
she is not ours
A Love Poem to My Books
i see you, my beauties, in front of me
and lament your loss to those who will listen
but tomorrow you will be in a true gypsy’s hand
the ones who speak Romanian who will sell you who will burn you for kindling
and my darlings, isn’t that a better fate than to follow me?
in my madness, my pursuit of pleasure, my chaos?
never again will i throw you against the wall next to my lover’s head
or tattoo you with a black pen whenever i see the word freedom
this eurotrash affair has been as curious as i imagined it
and it continues in a different direction
a new language, a new love, a new experience
i carry you in my heart always
and this farewell is merely a pause
we’ll find each other again in pride and peril
and i will welcome you, my secret loves
blossom under the feel of strangers’ fingers
and think of me as i am curled in his arms thinking of you

win harms has two books published by Barncott Press, In Harms Way and October 22. She has been featured in Urban Grafitti, Rusty Truck, The Poetic PinUp Review and contributed to the Bukowski Anthology published by Silver Birch Press. She is the Resident Advisor and co-founder for Rough Night Press and organizes spoken word events. win has two spoken word albums, Little Attic Sessions and 108 (The Raw Channel) and two books, boys & booze and Mokum Mantras all from Rough Night Press. She has collaborated on films, art installations, and photography exhibitions and continues to do live performance art. Her website is WinHarms.com.