La Negrita Chronicles

La Negrita and Her Kind and Gentle Saviours

Scene VIII: I just want to have enough faith in the white race that one day I will find my non-Oppressor

(La Negrita hurries out of her Bio class. In a rush she drops all of her books. Handsome hockey player hurries to her rescue.)



Here, you go, I think you dropped these. (He smiles at her.)



You think…



I’m sorry?






No, really, what did you say? “You think.”



(Continues with her attitude) If you heard what I said, why did you ask me to repeat it? (Snatches book from his hand.) Thank you. (Attitude).



Just trying to help.



(Glares her eyes. LUKE notices them.)



You seem upset.



Oh, what, are you a Psych major? (Sarcasm)



Actually. I’m Art and Bio…We just got out of class together---



----. Bitch, nobody cares what the hale your major is! I was being sarcastic. (Blushes…) I really should be going. (Tries to grab her things and hurry past him, but drops her backpack clumsily in an effort to escape. LUKE and La Negrita bob simultaneously to grab Negrita’s knapsack. They bump heads.)



Aye cono!






Nothing. Really, I have to go… (More attitude).



Why are you such in a rush?


Was that Spanish?


Are you Spanish?



What’s with the 21 questions Fity Cent. (Smirks).



(Looks puzzled) I’m sorry, Fity Cent?



He’s a rapper.



Oh, like Run DMC?



White people. (Whispers under breath.)



(Runs his hands through his hair, then fumbles his hands along his chinstrap).



Well, I really must go. (rolls eyes.)



(Holds her hand briefly out of reflex.) Hey, what’s with the attitude? I was just trying to help.



(Mockingly silently mimics him. Notices his hand on hers, but doesn’t flinch. She blushes. They make eye contact; she turns away as he gazes into her eyes).



(Gets up from ground as well.) Have I said something to upset you? (looks at La Negrita with concern, but also at awe of her exotic beauty, mocha skin, piercing eyes, full lips and the way her hips don’t lie. )



(Says softly to him as the continue to look to each other) I just really think I should go.



Well, can you at least walk me to my next class?



No… I will NOT walk you to your next class.



Wait, wait, that’s not what I meant!


What I was trying to say is, can I walk you to your next class?



No, thank you. I no longer let white boys walk me…anywhere.



Now why does everything have to be about race with you? Did you ever think that it may make people feel uncomfortable?



Why should race be something that makes people feel uncomfortable?



I’m just not comfortable with that shit. All this race shit. Like it doesn’t matter. I don’t really care. We’re all people.


I’m sorry. I’m just not good at this shit. (Fumbles hands through hair. Looks frustrated.)



Good at what?



(fumbles hands through hair.) Talking to girls…Especially girls like you.



Girls like me? (gathers things and tries to rush past him.)



Why are you so damn defensive?! Maybe I just want to get to know you?






I dunno. I just never met anyone as honest as you. You always have something interesting to say.



Does my intellect surprise you? What, would you rather I went to the Institute of Achievement for Colored Ritards?



Nooooooo, I didn’t say that!


I just---


I dunno. There’s something about you.



What? That I’m a Negress?



No, you’re just not the kind of person someone forgets.



What do you mean? (Places hands on hips.)



I don’t remember many things, but your eyes…they’re something I always remember. They’re like---like the difference between being pierced by ice water cold knives, or being immersed in a frothing pool of perfectly warm water.


With bubbles.


They are love and hate at the same time.



Okay, okay, shut up SHUT UP. Ill go on a date with you, fine?



So, wanna meet me at Rich Uncle Tim’s? Say, noon-ish?



Rich Uncle Tim’s…at noon? Isn’t that a pub?



Coffeehouse by day, pub house by night.






Frania G. Romulus

Frania G. Romulus was born in Boston, Massachusetts. As a child Romulus loved to create, perform and act. She began playwriting in elementary school. As the years passed she traveled and competed as a saxophonist in her high school music assembles. She was reminded of her gift of writing while an undergrad at Clark University. She matriculated with a degree in Psychology and Performing Arts.

Romulus’ work portrays her experiences as a woman of color at a predominantly white institution. Her raw emotional honesty, uncomfortable dialogue, and satirical style won the attention of Playfest then AS220, enabling her piece to be on production as well as earning her an artist residency.


Edited for Unlikely by Rosalyn Spencer, #BlackArtMatters Guest Editor
Last revised on Thursday, June 18, 2020 - 20:54