"Lomilomi Da Buggah" and "You Need Wun Angle"
Lomilomi Da Buggah
Kennedy Chang
wuz named
aftah wun famous president.
Like his namesake
he wuz wun good talker
and he could dish out da charisma.
Dere wuz someting about him dough
dat wuz kinnah sneaky.
His old high school friend Marcus
suspected it early on
and he had him down pat.
“I’ll tell you about Kennedy—
Ask not wat da buggah
can do foa you
but foa wat you can do
foa da buggah.
Dat Pake
could massage da scales off of wun dragon.
Shifty too, brah.”
Granted he wuz wun intelligent dude
and he did quite well at Iolani
but you wonder
why his moral compass
wuzn’t inherited from his parents.
Dey wen work hard
to put him on solid ground
and now he stay sinking
in his own quicksand.
Aftah college
and his degree in economics
you would have taught
dat he would harness his potential
and work hard foa da legal tender.
Dats why
wen he wuz caught
in wun investment scam
preying on old people
and emptying out dere savings
all da relatives wen freak.
Da golden boy
trimmed in red foa good luck
wen turn out to be
wun common thief.
Wen his old friend Marcus
wen find out
all he could say wuz—
“You give Kennedy wun opening
and he going lomilomi da buggah
and all da rules
going fly out da window.”
Dats pretty much wat he did
and dats how
da fortune cookie wen crumble.
You Need Wun Angle
You need wun angle
in dis big round world
full of deceitful jive
and unscrupulous characters.
Dey stay looking at you
in da smoke filled parlor
trumped up on bourbon and beer.
Salivating like ruthless wolves
dere eyes and ears perk up
wen dey see you
next to da green baize
on da elevated rectangle.
Da predators are tinking
it’s time foa wun feast
unaware dat dey going get fleeced.
Stroke dat cue stick
like wun spear
and send da money ball
into da side pocket
to rattle
and ring in da cash.
Hustling da hustlers
and stringing pelts on your shoulders
is bettah den getting striped naked
and kicked out into da street.
you look like you stay wearing
wun wild coat
wit all of dat harvested fur
hanging off of your bold frame.
It takes wun angle
in dis big round world
calculated and victorious
wit wun convincing geometry.
brah Bro; brother.
buggah A person, especially a male; the word can also refer to an animal, place or thing.
Iolani Elite prep school.
lomilomi Massage, to massage; to work a situation to one’s advantage.
Pake Chinese. In Hawai'i addressing a person's ethnic roots directly and openly is cultural and not looked upon as derogatory. Hawaiian Islands Pidgin evolved out of the interaction of many different races that had to exist together in close proximity.

Joe Balaz writes in Hawaiian Islands Pidgin (Hawai'i Creole English). He is the author of Pidgin Eye, a collection of poetry. The book was featured by NBC News for Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month in 2019. Balaz presently lives in Cleveland, Ohio. Joe recommends Shriners Hospitals for Children — Honolulu.