New Orleans Poetry Festival Reading



On April 21, 2019, the New Orleans Poetry Festival generously hosted a reading by four authors of Unlikely Books. David E. Matthews is the author of the Unlikely Book Cantos Poesia.



David E. Matthews

David E. Matthews lives in New England. He is saddened by the direction of events, but more perplexed that things are not worse than, or better than, they actually are, if what people believe is true. He has become suspicious - not to say paranoid - of people who seem positive of what is real, and true. The reverberations and resonances of literature is all that sustains him. In this last year, his VISPO was awarded 2nd place in the Sonic Boom 2023 VISPO competition, and 3 pieces were included in the 2023 Jornadade Poesia Visual exhibition in Brazil.


Edited for Unlikely by Jonathan Penton, Editor-in-Chief
Last revised on Monday, June 17, 2019 - 22:30