"Running Against the Yous of Water," "The Gym Vs Lazaro Hill Vs The Idiom," and "Pocket Man/ Pocket Vampire/ Homme de Poches"
Running Against The Yous Of Water
Like water
the other mind, the other eye
the beans, the loose belly, the metal taste
water, not hunger, water, not thirst
water and filch
the potable water and filch
water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, and water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, zoos and giraffes
that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it
around 18 waters, 1 zoo and 1 giraffe, 9 that’s its.
The Gym Vs Lazaro Hill Vs The idiom
Wrist engages glass
lock mechanism
watch fluid
Bar span
If I had kept that swell
beer bubbles
She was sitting next to me
then it was empty at another bar
and all of the seats
Submergence, vantage, floatation
like bar tables and beer
I know she was there, as her silhouette
dwells deep in my wanting
like only champagne and beer
our mouth of grapes
a profile at a bar, again a sigh and cough
have a heart
forgive my sway
I’m done now.
Pocket Man
Pocket Vampire
Homme de Poches
Carpet, rooms
toilet paper
and the past
at last, at last
what not to say
the image like a spiral
and all of eternity
stretched before me, attempted metaphor
Jack, jackknife of things that sound lame today
Accidents and intentions
help and pride
three swords
three fangs
A symbiote that symbolizes everything
the easy hand
or hand of benediction
or guided hand
or assimilated hand
the eaten hand of a vampire
if hands are life
if hands are kidneys
if hands can speak more than your talon
more than spleens
If hands are
good enough—
good enough
good enough
good enough
good enough
If hands are Aces, Jacks, Jiggles
feeding your tongue a daily dose
Ligers that linger
Snakes that slash
The Vamp of all Vampires

Darryl / Dadou / Baron Wawa is a Port-au-Prince born Haitian-American who studied Photography and Creative Writing. He enjoys chocolate and good books. That said, maybe a movie is a good book. He loves to work with images and words and their pairing.