"Share Your Visions" and "The Figure Outside"
Share Your Visions
Poets, Whitman depends on you
for he cannot return but turn over
in his grave. Purge your words
and make a stand for freedom.
Be swift at dizzying speeds and
write to stop the death of normalcy.
Let’s sweep away the last three years.
Poets, share your visions, don’t let
fools write your history. Do not rely
on politicians to save you. Do not
let your love of free speech be
stripped away. Spring to action.
Save your cities. Be defiant of the
lies and listen to your heart of hearts.
Poets, raise your voices, orators of
truth. Let us forge ahead. Do not
become powerless. Use your voice.
Poets of the soul do not settle for
mediocrity. The impossible is
possible. Safeguard your liberty.
Believe in equality and diversity.
The weight of the world is heavy.
Poets, share your visions, destroy
divisions. Make your shoulders broad
and do the heavy lifting together.
The Figure Outside
The door is closed.
There is figure curled up
at the doorstep outside.
The door is locked.
There is a spot of paint
in the doorstep.
No one knows who
put it there. No one knows
the spot of paint is
the blood of the figure.
His blood came from his palm.
The bearded figure
on the doorstep
without a hat,
down on his luck,
sleeps on his side,
his back facing the street.
Inside the owner
is seated by the fireplace.
There is warmth inside.

Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal lives in West Covina, California, works in Los Angeles County, and is the author of Raw Materials (Pygmy Forest Press). His poetry, prose, and art has appeared in Black Petals, Blue Collar Review, Mad Swirl, Cowboy, River Dog Press, and Yellow Mama Webzine. His broadsides, chapbooks and poetry books have appeared in Alternating Current Press, Deadbeat Press, Four Feathers Press, Kendra Steiner Editions, New American Imagist, New Polish Beat, Poet's Democracy, Rogue Wolf Press, and Ten Pages Press. Luis recommends St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.