"Smile of Frost and Ice" and "Ceaseless Wind"
Smile of Frost and Ice
Smile of frost and ice,
poetry lines will come,
anguish will spill out
like blood and berry wine.
Juice to dizzy you;
laughter of snow and
smile of frost and ice
come your way. It feels so
dirty. There is no hint
of purity in that
carefully framed smile,
tinted with blood and hate.
It sucks to see it.
This wicked smile of frost
and ice. How it jabs
and twists like a knife.
Ceaseless Wind
Ceaseless wind,
lift my songs of pain,
scatter them like ash
on the prairie.
Make me whole
again. The prairie
crows can sing my songs.
I will not mind.
Wanton winds,
take my broken songs
to the riverside
and let them drown.
I need room
for new songs of hope.

Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal lives in West Covina, California, works in Los Angeles County, and is the author of Raw Materials (Pygmy Forest Press). His poetry, prose, and art has appeared in Black Petals, Blue Collar Review, Mad Swirl, Cowboy, River Dog Press, and Yellow Mama Webzine. His broadsides, chapbooks and poetry books have appeared in Alternating Current Press, Deadbeat Press, Four Feathers Press, Kendra Steiner Editions, New American Imagist, New Polish Beat, Poet's Democracy, Rogue Wolf Press, and Ten Pages Press. Luis recommends St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.