"some people," "the view," and "serenity"
some people
some people remind you
of how much freedom’s worth:
choosing to smile and nod
instead of knocking them
to the ground
and stuffing their mouths
with high-grade dirt
some people use good graces
with tones anything but:
leaving you to watch them
walk away, cringing about manners
yet wanting them to trip
and end their power strut
still, you must not let them
darken your mood,
nor ruin your day
you must smile, walk along
as a person,
not a plague
the view
purple petunias
wave at me,
blue skies serving
as the background
in a summer painting
and the songs of city living
meet my ears, while people
stare in awe at what
they cannot grasp,
bitching about prices
instead of enjoying
the view
nature is drowning—
purple petunias wave
for rescue
in the span of a car ride,
you wonder,
as the lake
the lake shimmers
because of all
the innocent souls
existing beneath,
that have gone on,
and those that hope
to one day be
and you wonder
the world looks
so similar
to lifeforms beyond
our scope of thriving
if we shimmer, somehow,
above our ivory clouds;
if we are to them
as silvered fish
all serenity is illusory

H. Holt is a Georgia author and college secretary who dabbles in all realms of written expression. She has been writing since she was eleven years old. She was the Managing Editor for Walking Is Still Honest Press for two years until it became defunct in October of 2017. She has been published alongside former president Jimmy Carter in Stone, River, Sky: An Anthology of Georgia Poems. Holt serves as the Social Media Manager for the Southern Collective Experience. In her spare time, she practices another art entirely: the art of avoiding society.