songs of the motherland are parakeets in a cage
on her rooftops boys and girls
fly kites
one time he said men will use
kite strings to decapitate other men
riding motorcycles
no, you’re fucking with me but it is
possible invisible strings can slice clean
somebody’s head i’ve seen it with my own
the day Benazir Bhutto was assassinated
and nana said don’t even leave one step
off the lawn you’ll be mowed down
the men rolled burning tires
to prove justice is a wheel on fire
bony arms of apes flinging democracy
the kites still fly when leaders die
children sell overfilled red balloons
donkeys’ backs ripple like leathery oceans
sun-kissed, foam evaporated they bray
blue, the parakeet nana cupped in his hand and smiled at
as if birds know only that sinful language
blue, the dog’s chain by the guava tree stoic in the sun
blue, the moon’s arrival the wheel that measures every feast and fast
blue, leech in the mud puddle waiting for blood
mamoon reversed the car out of the mob
there were distinct gunshots
maybe other loud noises pops of civil unrest maybe balloons
maybe oxen whipped maybe the body wrapped green-gold
in the sewer outside the city’s only hospital
isn’t dead
green currency gold bricks is this the beggar’s cloth
everybody’s ripping to shreds
and i’m guilty, my family used to
rolling blackouts / failed generators / cold water for washing before weddings
they read books by the light of a candle
i’ve lost the meaning of fire
heat is a magic trick, turn the chrome knob
time need not boil time a privilege remember when
the petroleum stations shut down the doctors went home
no one dared trade paan or ice cream she was assassinated
the people marched outsiders would think it was all about destruction
outsiders think Pakistan shelters headless apes
we know better, songs
of our land are parakeets in a cage
they need teeth to fly
children laugh at anything

Alia Hussain Vancrown has published in journals and magazines in print and online. Her poetry has twice been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. She was selected to participate in Winter Tangerine's 2018 workshop, Singing Songs Crooning Comets, featuring seminars by Kaveh Akbar and Aricka Foreman. Alia works at the Library of Congress in the Law Division. She currently resides in Maryland. For more, please visit and Instagram @aliagoestothelibrary. Alia recommends her late cousin's scholarship fund: The Daanish Khan Memorial Scholarship.