The Wall
Won't bow. Don't know how.
– Mardi Gras Indian saying
They are building the wall.
They're taking the library
books away from children
to help build the wall.
They are taking children
from themselves and
away from their parents
to help build the wall.
If you speak Spanish
in school or the market
or at work, they will take
you to build the wall.
If your children aren't
in their failing schools
and get in to mischief
or drugs or petty crime
the furious 5-0 will take
them to build the wall.
If you insist on loving those
nature meant you to love they'll
take you to build the wall.
If you have unsanctioned
or contraceptive sex they'll
take you to build the wall.
If accidentally pregnant you
will go to build the wall.
Your unwanted children
will go to build the wall.
If you're not saved by
their ugly Jesus you
will go to build the wall.
If your god is brown
or gold or has too many
arms or holds a hammer
or a lotus flower, you too
will go to build the wall.
If a man wears a dress he
will go to build the wall.
If a woman isn't their ideal
she will go to build the wall.
If your clothes offend you
will go to build the wall.
If your music offends you
will go to build the wall.
If your views offend you
will go to build the wall.
If your words offend you
will go to build the wall.
If you do not bow you
will go to build the wall.
If you resist then they will
stand you up against their
wall hooded and afraid
and your perforated body
will go to to build the wall.
They are afraid their children
will be merely ordinary kids
unless they build the wall.
The private schools will be
godless and integrated
unless they build the wall.
The ivied towers will be
overrun by the wrong sort
unless they build the wall.
They will remain frightened
of their children's radios
unless they build the wall.
The world will keep shifting
until their doors won't open
unless they build the wall.
They will lose the finer things
they have taken from us
if they do not build the wall.
Their cars and homes will be
nothing like a magazine.
if they do not build the wall.
They will never have a
gold or a platinum card
if they do not build the wall.
They will be like the rest of us,
climbing the threads of fate,
if they do not build the wall.
They cannot imagine what
will happen to their b&w
television dream America
if they do not build the wall.
There will be nothing left
to cherish or to fight for,
only a plastic battleship
if we let them build the wall.

Mark Folse lives and writes in and often about New Orleans. His work has appeared in The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature, The New Delta Review, Metazen, New Laurel Review, Ellipsis, What We Know: New Orleans as Home, The Maple Leaf Rag IV, and A Howling in the Wires (which he co-edited). Mark recommends the Louisiana Abortion Fund.