"Zurich" and "Whakatane"
The accurate & eloquent
Wordsworth would have
had little sympathy for the
inane phraseology of the Health
authorities working around
the clock to try to determine
if the men who had gone
ashore were sympathizers of
the French Revolution. Few
concepts, he said, are
as central to humanity as
the innocence of the dead.
The gnomes are bored
with being enigmatic. Have
dumped the seasonally
changing menu &
its old world sensibilities—
the summery chic of
Gucci's classic synth-pop
with inflected voice, the
yodelling electronic loops
of Dolce & Gabana's
winter spectroscopy—in
favor of a one size fits
all &, at the same time,
hyper-masculine &
exceedingly feminine
morphological de-
composition. Even
more dissonant, with
scratchy feedback. But
still manages to keep
precise time under water.

Mark Young's most recent books are the May 2024 free downloadable pdf to your scattered bodies go from Scud Editions, One Hundred Titles From Tom Beckett, with paintings by Thomas Fink, published by Otoliths in June, 2024, & Alkaline Pageantry, published by Serious Publications in September, 2024. His The Magritte Poems will be coming out from Sandy Press later this year. Mark recommends the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.