Darren J. Beaney

Darren J Beaney is one half of Flight of the Dragonfly, who host a regular spoken word evening on Zoom and in a pub Brighton, they also produce FLIGHTS a quarterly poetry, prose and flash fiction e-journal and have just set up as a small publishing press. He has two pamphlets published by the Hedgehog Poetry Press - Honey Dew and The Machinery of Life. His new chapbook – The Fortune Teller’s Yarn (Destiny F*cks With Milo) was published by Alien Buddha Press in July 2022.
He lives with his family and their rescue cats and dog in East Preston, which is nestled on the West Sussex coast. Darren recommends the National Autistic Society.
The water leaves
waves of arrogance, no longer
bubbling below the surface. Hate sunbaths happily
on bleached out yellow sand. Intolerance floats on the breeze
a tangle of slogans and lies. Hate,
injustice and greed on the savage vertical,