Dorie LaRue

Dorie LaRue is the author of two novels, Resurrecting Virgil, from Backwaters Imprint of the University of Nebraska Press and The Trouble With Student Affairs from Artemis Press; three chapbooks of poetry, Seeking the Monsters from New Spirit Press, The Private Frenzy, from Jazzbones Press, In God’s Due Time from Parousias Press; a full length collection of poetry, Mad Rains from Kelsay Press; and a full length collection of poems, An Enemy in Their Mouths, from Finishing Line Press. She received second place for Only Visiting This Planet, a short story collection, in the West Virginia Writing Awards for 2019. She lives in Shreveport, Louisiana, and teaches writing and literature at LSUS. Dorie recommends Redbone Press.
In my neck of the woods, we call any switcheroo like that, finding Jesus. If you finally decide you need a divorce, finding Jesus. If you are an alcoholic, and decide suddenly to go to rehab, finding Jesus. If you go to your job with no plans in mind one morning and quit your job that afternoon, finding Jesus.