Vincent F. A. Golphin

Vincent F. A. Golphin writes and teaches in Orlando, Florida, once called, "The Happiest Place on Earth." The widely published author is featured in Brave World Magazine publisher Souvrav Sakar’s 2021 international anthology, Universal Truth. His poems also appear in the four-part, 2018 Poet Speaks anthologies. Beyond that, Golphin’s poems and short stories contribute to a wide range of print and digital publications and journals that include the Thrill of the Hunt Series, The Gathering, Mo Joe: The Joe the Poet Anthology, and Yellow Medicine Review, Drylongso, Fyah, MentalSatin, Pinnacle Hill Review, Bridges, and Ishmael Reed's Konch Magazine. FootHills Press published his latest collection of poems, Ten Stories Down, in September 2011. Please donate to Fair Fight Action, Inc.
When history gets bleached until White
Folks can see there is no truth in the light.
You might have heard the news -
DeSantis claims he can choose
What history about Blacks should be right.
Why do Black men have to be so angry?
I wondered how to not tell them that grinnin’,
dancin’, singin’ and callin’ on Jesus only go so far.
A real Black man’s hurt where they cannot see,
or how he learns to cleverly hides his scars.