"The always-never-whatever poem," "My brother's name bears the Grudge," and "Venus Erogenous"
The always-never-whatever poem
The solution always-never works:
this is entertainment
whatever the idea
would have you believe
if the irony
if honor
if blood
if the word option
The gene so stubborn
would have you
to valuing
this loop
If not for pronouns
and punctuation
albeit grammar
and idiom
should you repeat again
stutter, choke
out of tune
edit or translate
If it’s always
in an always-never-whatever circle
how can one still respect
words like finally
and exactly
always and never, flexible periods
or silent commas at best
You don’t have to chose
between blood and word
just look at language
My brother’s name bears the Grudge
For my younger brother Achilles
‘Is freedom a gift we only give to the ones that say I love you’—Jack White
Whenever I hold the dagger
something restricts
dad named you after Achilles
dad named me after a villain:
Darryl the scanner
Your blindness
my vanity
our dissonance
are rooted coils
of a distorted mirror
where the reflection
is 6 years
and 4 months apart
this reason why
we stink a little differently
at the loins
At the hotel poolside table
the hatred I felt
and let go
because I remembered
that you have saved me
when I needed saving
from my own bleeding
from my own lunacy
when no one else
Venus Erogenous
if Boticelli
Michael Angelo
if Michael Angelo
If a nail was a seashell
what sound
would the scratch
Through these hallways
how flesh
bumps against
Oyster, enter mouth
sushi enter mouth
Why does the metaphor
want water and sex?
An old black and white
photograph I had taken
of my neighbor
her arms spread wide
like an offering
and now at 2:00pm
she and I
in the laundry room
tip toeing
around the gender factor
10 years later
the photograph remains
Her dress
black, coral
and orange
like the frosted-glass treys
my mother used to make
what’s the sex saying now
the water in the washers?
She is older than my mother
this woman
but we still look
at each other like fish
and naked statues
too quick for defining
this thing quickly flushed

Darryl / Dadou / Baron Wawa is a Port-au-Prince born Haitian-American who studied Photography and Creative Writing. He enjoys chocolate and good books. That said, maybe a movie is a good book. He loves to work with images and words and their pairing.