Sun-Ra Sutras 1, 4, and 5
Sun Ra Sutras-1
Big, beautiful blackness.
Hollow stretch of infinity.
Not marred by dead stars borrowing light.
Not see-through.
No hole in the cosmic tapestry.
A deep, honest blackness that will slowly drink you in.
Where you don't have to run, brother.
You just swim.
Sun Ra Sutras-4
Rest easy by the blue flame Between Two Worlds.
Are you sitting in a shredded sweater bemoaning a life of circumstance?
Will you play the victim of nefarious wisdom,
Not heeding the Angels and Demons who bid you to dance?
We are gathered in this skin.
We succumb to manufactured sorrow.
There is a rhythm stirring within:
Music Of The World Tomorrow.
Sun Ra Sutras-5
The vortex heaved a billion stars.
The myth then decided to create itself anew.
A fiercely beautiful cataclysm sculpting fire and breathing wind.
Slinking down the long chain as vapors gathered.
Manifesting a timeless scenario.
Tapestry from an Asteroid.

Kevin M. Hibshman has had poems, reviews and collages published in many journals and magazines world wide, most recently in Rye Whiskey Review, Drinkers Only, The Crossroads and 1870. He has edited his poetry zine, Fearless, since 1990 and is the author of sixteen chapbooks including Love Sex Death Dreams (Green Bean Press, 2000), Incessant Shining (Alternating Current, 2011). and Slice Of Life (Alternating Current, 2014). Kevin received a BA in Liberal Arts from Union Institute and University/Vermont College in 2016. He was born in Philadelphia and resides in Pennsylvania with his partner, William, a painter and three cats. Future projects include a surrealist novel and manuscripts for more poetry chapbooks. Kevin recommends the Audre Lorde Project.