Pocket Man
Things you have to sell before you die
the lady in the water, the lady of the water
the pronoun “it,” your mother as a metaphor
and the strangest title ever
Your old friends’ moms
your mom’s ideal
your mom’s conclusion
your mom’s belief in a hero
with a crooked smile
because she reads so fast
she believes she has to be 1st
and she is, isn’t she
how she tells you exactly when
because for some reason
she has to know that you are
a monster
with your own reason
you see them both
these sides of your mother
with love
that they didn’t see your reason
the arrogance
that her own son could be
unpredictable, what she
had not foreseen
a blowfish
in the inflection
Your mom, the sun
your mom, the cemetery
the idea itself
because you will have to
fight for her, for a while
Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Your mother doesn’t come
for respect
but a display of power
her spread is not yours
because the stress is worse
for who?
The idea of being mediocre
even in the eyes of sex
your mother corrects you
happiness is the memory of
delight or delirium
with your father’s smile
at the point of failure or conclusion
it becomes rage or humiliation
if your mother is not with you
if you do not complete or compete
sell a devil to someone
and you sell your mother too
so that you can sell your father too
Rage makes you forget
that you’ll have to lie
to live a beautiful and reasonable
life, a pleasurable life, where?
because the idea of your mother
makes you chose
between a beautiful
and a reasonable life or lie
but you really do
have a mother
and there is no fair man
in the world
but a conditionally fair man
and the mammal instinct of rules
of facial recognition
like Cancer and Capricorn
your mom a two way sagittal mirror
and marriage
my inflection outside of science
the wall of selectivity
like nowhere else
to sound like you have reached
new layers of reality
means that you have reached
new layers of reality
the sound of an inflection
the only value of a first impression
Your mother could be the computer
because it behaves like a baby bottle
or a womb
or a whore
or what won’t let you grow
it’s like you are your own mother
in everything
how could this be?
This person in my dreams
like everybody else every night
and yet you are dumbfounded
I am dumbfounded
by the mother of confusion
It’s like you are pregnant with your mother
her or something about her
boiling inside you
like a rap song
no greater image
except for me?
a mnemonic of sorts
with pictures
filtering what about her?
you couldn’t find it in your adulthood
and what about her kills you this way
like Winey’s honey
in a way that defeats reality
the idea of summer
Mother Gemini
the cub’s Cancer, then Leos bloom
without scorpions or bulls or goats
into the not so indistinct
but separate individual
of Virgo
everything they tell you not to be
This mother I cannot share with you
because she is there also when I am small
and I am small
and I am vanquished
but she is there
she is my hypocrite, my twin
my salvation from you
and from the sunlight without shadows
my mercy, my pity
the meaning I sometimes hope for
with friends
and when I am alone at night
she becomes a thought dear
as a candle
because these words never come
on time or
in public unless I am sparked
and she is a summer poem
and was a fall poem before this
Who but my mother
would listen to my second chance
until an adequate conclusion
made us like each other
the summer heat grueling a temper
the clouds pressing against levity
with suffocating moisture
reaching another fall, a hopeful poem
A diner table is not just a diner table
it is your father
and turns everything into your mother
or about your mother
upon, contact, something
absolutely more powerful
than you, a tyrant or worm
or a fish
an everything general parenting you
of when and when nots
an environment
Everything is your mother?
or is everything your mother?
When you faggot sentences
they question the juxtaposition
the queer query I cannot finish
not for lack of respect
my mother the devil in words
adjectives and sentences
my mother the devil
and makes me suspect and betray men
something of her type
in every woman I screw
they’re never right either
never the right time
because she is always a coincidence
that I remember
at the wrong time
My mother is the variance
of consistency
what people without mothers
don’t understand
is a margin of error by mother
lingers like perfume
the other side of you
the sex vacuum, the savior
that tells you fucking her
is awkward and tasty like you alone
your mother, and you
the tremors, the vibrations
the colors, the sound
the tongue, ear, eye and nose
of sweet serendipity
the shape of a woman
of emptying a cup of full moon
or sunlight, with thirst, greed and wonderlust

Darryl / Dadou / Baron Wawa is a Port-au-Prince born Haitian-American who studied Photography and Creative Writing. He enjoys chocolate and good books. That said, maybe a movie is a good book. He loves to work with images and words and their pairing.