"Snow / Bell," "Late night radio," and "After Hölderlin"
Snow / Bell
The telephone is
by Michelangelo,
sculpted from the
Carrara marble
that he loved so
much. Is displayed
on a basalt plinth
with a bronze
plaque in the topside
corner that details
its provenance. No-
one else around in
the Uffici when it
rings so I pick it up.
"Hello," I say in
a somewhat hesitant
voice. Silence. Then a
response. "Ma dove sono
le nevi di un tempo?"
Late-night radio
brings out Markov chains
of naked midgets &
gay Mafia rappers, makes
sense of crazy theories. In its
quintessential form, black-
suited men are tempted to
shimmy their ears & official-
looking women to spin
their Lilac Easy Spin Nipple
Tassels (Large) in order to
re-open long lost views
of snow-melt tarns with
shallow margins & gin-clear
water. There’s no real
knowledge or skill here—
just real-world fishing
techniques from the pages
of the world's largest auto-
motive magazine &
evidence on how the true
origins of famous American
words help moisten the skin
when localized in the vicinity
of synaptic junctions of
cultured cortical neurons.
After Hölderlin
Provided they came
in fancy wrapping, the
German intellectual
of the interwar years
could perceive utility
in nerd glasses that
Would Make Anyone
Look Smart. He had a
banjo, & was in the
jewelry business, too.
Mark Young was born in Aotearoa New Zealand but now lives in a small town on traditional Juru land in North Queensland, Australia. He is the author of nearly seventy books, primarily text poetry but also including speculative fiction, vispo, memoir, and art history. His most recent books are a pdf, Mercator Projected, published by Half Day Moon Press (Turkey) in August 2023; Ley Lines II published by Sandy Press (California) in November 2023; un saut de chat published by Otoliths Books (Australia) in February 2024; and Melancholy, a James Tate Poetry Prize winner, published by SurVision Books (Ireland) in March 2024. Mark recommends the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.