"Abandoning Motion Sensor Trachea Tightropes," "Bitter river surrounded by circular landmass," and "Glaring Dish Soap Chandelier Counter Top"
Abandoning Motion Sensor Trachea Tightropes
circulation mafia motif
spinning tripwire stampede
/ WaRn \ | / shoeless \ | havoc |
l/i/v/i/n/g between DeGrEeS oF fUmEs
, systematic piggies ,, looping tornado lens ,,,
[saunter robust pigeon]
[release humped pillow tiles]
[aging backwards fleeing]
[shooting mouth hole blob reactions] - - -
in sweater weather clamp : :
¡cLaNg! ¡ClAnG! went the
meteorites ,
fashionable dress shirts regret digitization
& feathers allow miniskirts to blOOm - - -
forgetful damaging tabloid autoload
every pie releases stray sinkhole yuletides
with enough overture to restore a chandelier
Bitter river surrounded by circular landmass
Uselessly donned glacial sphere
functions as a topographical error
drunken cobblestone
underneath shapeless
snow clad provinces. All
these BoDiEs prevail,
they shock a series
of wooded tsunamis
pleading for adaptable
hemispheres. Losing
choicest MuD
, venturing static rocky
shoulder BlaDeS
, a culminating whisper
evolved from granite
, reduced as FaShiOn murders
sedimentary TuNneLs
, illusions ,
futures. [Pleasures
& still wanton seismic layers
pulverizing waves
INCH by previously
miscasting inch], NOR
provoked or managed
/ historical GoNg / urban TouRiSm,
a prop /
lonely monitoring
spatial amalgamations :: TrUsTwOrThy (?)
--- at classically composed nexus
pausing over an admittedly clustered latitude,
, shifting , detailed
BeYoNd an
ATLAS , fragmented
until relationships
become meridians.
Glaring Dish Soap Chandelier Counter Top
glandular zip chord:
demented perm gesturing without
poisonous yacking blockchain squirrels
, distance fusing beautified
whale bones flickering confrontational
matted insertions
leading boisterous hydroelectric
nodding fissures - - -
damned tree line jitterbugging - - -
, , passionate CLANG!!!!!
Too good to flush / nevertheless / yoga CuRtAiN rOd
\ | wayward worrywart | / , promotion
linguistic knowledge
surfing per diem windshield
, peopled [withered], stunted pharmacy.

Joshua Martin is a Philadelphia based writer and filmmaker, who currently works in a library. He is member of C22, an experimental writing collective. He is the author most recently of the books peeping sardine fumes (RANGER Press) and [Ruptured] >> Schematic << MAZES (Sweat Drenched Press). He has had numerous pieces published in various journals. You can find links to his published work at joshuamartinwriting.blogspot.com Joshua recommends the Morris Animal Refuge.