"Dumplin," "Carnival Wanted," and "Binghampton, NY, June 11, 1949—"
(Billboard Magazine ad circa 1940)
She’s the Talk of Milwaukee
the girl with the tassel twirling torso
Rosa “Baby Dumplin” Mack
12 consecutive weeks at
The Club Milwaukee
(Chicago representation by Schuster, Milt)
posed against a rococo swirling golden mirror ball
and a golden scroll
and the amazingest part:
she’s built like a normal woman
Carnival Wanted
(found piece Billboard Magazine 1949)
The Rock Hill Colored Fair wants
Carnival for week of Oct. 31 to Nov. 5 1949.
Must have at least (45) forty-five Concessions.
some Educational Shows, a good Plantation
show and not more than two gypsies.
Binghamton, NY, June 11, 1949—
Billboard Magazine, Found
Rides had to be rushed into
operation to accommodate
the Decoration Day crowds.
Most of the personnel went
to the Arlington Hotel
to attend a party for Owner
Ralph Decker, who celebrated
his 54th birthday. The secretary
brought a large box out to the grounds
for those unable to attend. Bingo
did good business. Clarence
and Madge joined with their
Tina and Garden of Allah Girl
Shows. Great Jarvis plans
an elaborate remodeling on his
Cavalcade of Magic. Bob and Lee
came on from California
with their gold fish pitch.

Pediatrician Kelley White has worked in inner city Philadelphia and rural New Hampshire. Her poems have appeared in Exquisite Corpse, Rattle and JAMA. Her recent books are Toxic Environment (Boston Poet Press) and Two Birds in Flame (Beech River Books.) She received a 2008 Pennsylvania Council on the Arts grant.