"Travis & Iris," "The Government wants to see your data," and "Dig"

Travis & Iris

Belief entered into as if
it were the back seat
of a taxi. “Just drive”
she said, & used her glasses
to push the hair back
off her forehead. Movement,
or the method of. Conveyance
is so misleading. Could say.
The refrigerator stopped
& the elephants got out. Or.
Hollies’ song. Riding around
on a carousel
. None of that.
Instead. Give directions. Sit back.
Get there. Pay the price.



The Government wants to see your data

                                 The insurance needs of
                                                      Mississippi hospitals &
                                     other regional health care
                                                providers are both search-
                                       able on your smartphone
                                                & satisfied by a blue T-
                            shirt. It is very strange to
                                             walk through there & see

                                 robots & algorithms in black
                            & saffron dhotis. Demand
                                            for the conflicting conun-
                                drums of privacy—liveli-
                                               hoods threatened or liberty
                                   offered—is high this year.




Take comfort
in, not the
small things
but the familiar.

Return to raw
Miles, those first
pick-up bands
that occasionally

found Coltrane
in there, equally
raw. Or the
Sherlock Holmes

stories. Bach for
the first time,
de Chirico &

Bosch. Byzantine
plazas, gardens
of earthly delights
which were

previously un-
known but so
familiar. Ancestral
memories, the

starting places at
which you still stop
by, to stand still
for a moment,

focus, & come
out of ready
to hit the
ground running.



Mark Young

Mark Young's most recent books are the May 2024 free downloadable pdf to your scattered bodies go from Scud Editions, One Hundred Titles From Tom Beckett, with paintings by Thomas Fink, published by Otoliths in June, 2024, & Alkaline Pageantry, published by Serious Publications in September, 2024. His The Magritte Poems will be coming out from Sandy Press later this year. Mark recommends the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.


Edited for Unlikely by Jonathan Penton, Editor-in-Chief
Last revised on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 - 23:03