"cvs," "syncophant," and "filling myself all up on worm castles"
cvs goblin highway federalsburg 21632 not landscape
with ruins pastoral figures trees but 2nd biggest retail
pharmacy outlet in the whole damn state pink-dot-through-
white-bars warns of messy commute traffic backed up to
junction 76 for the annual living people their heads
like birds show when next we meet upon
kryptonite drive the light will change steel lines shadows shall
continually respond so make sure you keep your egg in morose
spin dizzy $1800 rent check made payable to cockroach
ambassador conversely each flea has 2 big beautiful eyes
for it has gazed upon celestial vault in merge-pool-golden-
age occasionally let loose passing train deafening noise
once trawled up some clubland overstayer overwhelmed
now with fucking keys hand out smokes more vigorous
blame work unprecedented bull market stretch
means we still have
some bleached
scans of original
left so charge
your lucky star
syncophant will dream out a new quilt to circumvent
the divide where appropriately an infernal specter is
piped through the king string clinical vigor all
smoke no mirrors bright new attention tingle
head no privileged viewpoint only simultaneous
frenetic action so go off in another
direction adopt an erratic flight pattern because croyvania
6 run the show round here requiem for the whole
enchilada in the dwang shall give frobnitz some
percussive maintenance won’t have to be grounded
in a single logic so straight is the main line i climb
trees to get away from it even on plaza stormy days
maintaining butter & twang strategy such yellow
green olive is subtle bingo compared to hell unshirted
in a playground arena from deep within stagnation
era’s midgame shall emit a large
belch sweet sweet smell yet
upon saccharine threshold under
the hedge choreographed
pink drenched deranged it glows
filling myself all up on worm castles have learnt
to cop it sweet & give out dirty orbs through
attitude adjustment hour eat a serving of the
great unknown get the green apple quick step
call out & file the day under bonus damage screw
up my face distort my features so i consume
less oxygen & my heart beats slow because in
hot rain hard town i fried my beans
frobnicating to the back of the room while
ignition & scanner eluded me so i
let that poppy show run its course then
got him down close until syntax gave
way to speech musical
score then
noise alone
in my high dreary spot above the
searching mouths my dial set to where-
did-the-road-go radio & what will i hear
in the trivial songs of the corn bunting & yellow hammer?
we need a piss quiz from you no commercials & a piss quiz

Billy Cancel has recently appeared in PEN America & Boston Review. His latest body of work Psycho'Clock is out on Hidden House Press. His collection Mock Trough Rasping Crow is to be published by BlazeVox in January 2018. With his wife Thursday Fernworthy, Billy Cancel makes up the noise-duo Tidal Channel. Aberrations of all sorts at www.BillyCancelPoetry.com