"A Line from Jukka-Pekka Kervinen," "You do not need to put it in a plastic bag," and "Otherwise, all at sea"
A line from Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
Hatred of soft con-
stitutes what? Is this
called character? Reason
says no, though I went
this way before, once,
my crew with wax
in their ears & me tied
to the mast. Now I am
alone in a small dinghy
abandoned even by
the birds. Strongwilled?
Or merely driven mad
by the song the jukebox
in my mind keeps play-
ing over & over until
I can hear it once again?
You do not need to put it in a plastic bag
We have lined our playaway
tops to make them heat up
quickly, enough to melt & pop
a balloon. Men might find it
baffling, but the kinetic energy
helps us pipe melted white
chocolate so it can be x-rayed by
officials when passing through
a security checkpoint, or, later,
be mistaken for food by wildlife.
Otherwise, all at sea
Someone has gifted me an
astrolabe. I use it to determine
the distance between the end
of one line & the next. Its
ethnicity changes daily. Is
determined by the type of
headgear it chooses to wear.
Today it is a pillbox hat. I open
it up & select a Quaalude. I've
read somewhere that's one of
those small countries in Central
Asia. It sounds exotic but brings
me down. Sometimes the astro-
labe cooks dinner, sometimes
it doesn't. Then we go out. It
has a real thing about eating
takeaway, says it's beneath it
to do so. I offer to marry it.
It refuses, totally turned off
by the idea of home delivery.

Mark Young's most recent books are the May 2024 free downloadable pdf to your scattered bodies go from Scud Editions, One Hundred Titles From Tom Beckett, with paintings by Thomas Fink, published by Otoliths in June, 2024, & Alkaline Pageantry, published by Serious Publications in September, 2024. His The Magritte Poems will be coming out from Sandy Press later this year. Mark recommends the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.