"Tree" and "Coronado Motel"
Here comes
a little tree
all decked out
for spring
and traveling
south along the
What kind
of tree is that?
What kind of tree
was that?
It’s gone
into the distance
Coronado Motel
Coronado Motel
is a ghost motel
It's where Sandy stayed
when she came for a visit
It's been torn down
for some years now
but they left the sign
Coronado Motel
to remind us
what was here
back then

Wayne Daniel was born on a small farm a few miles from Novice, Texas. He attended public schools in Novice, Spearman, and Hamlin and has lived in New York, Santa Fe, Tallahassee, and elsewhere. He has three college degrees, because he had a hard time deciding what he wanted to do. He ended up as a professional librarian and retired from that work in 2010. Along the way he got poems and stories and articles published in several "little" magazines. He lives in El Paso, Texas.