"Chronic Town #10" and "Among the Forgetters #27"
Chronic Town #10
Hummingbird and Hale-Bopp.
Mom and Dad arrive by comet.
And all they bring me.
Is this lousy existence.
On a planet with girls and dogs.
The Christians sing.
About crosses and roads.
Dying and being denied an end.
Even after death.
I wear the t-shirt around the house.
The heathens sing.
About my unbuttoned blouse.
Among the Forgetters #27
The rain stops.
A morning fog rises
to tickle
the bellies of single-
engine aircraft.
An evil genius invents moisture-z.
This is the end
until next week.
One bird says to another,
you have fog
all over your beak,
and I hope
that the birds are chickens,
the most comedic
and utilitarian
of birds,
though an unexpected exchange between pigeons
would be almost
as effective.
The sunrise is a bomb
that never explodes.