"Long Haul Driver" and "Maintenance Man"
Long Haul Driver
At first he was thrilled by the road
thinking it an adventure to roam
through cities and states.
His truck a massive 18 wheeler
winding through snake-like
overpasses, gleaming in sunlight
across ten lane highways.
But then he had to drive
so many hours arriving
only to wait for the next
work order, inhaling fumes
in the cold and in the heat.
Later he felt a slave to the
choking engine and ugly
concrete. The same signs
everywhere, big box stores,
eating holes and truck stops
with cheap souvenirs.
Weary of this relentless surge
of everything always going
forward and that demanding clock.
Finally he was left behind.
Maintenance Man
Everything falls apart,
all things rot and crack.
Each day another tenant
fills out forms to request
repairs. Hot water tanks
burst, sinks back up, toilets jam.
Smoke alarms break.
It's a messy life, he pushes
against riptide.
All spring and summer,
weeds keep growing.
Leaves gather during fall.
In winter time, ice
covers walkways.
It’s time to go home now.
Tomorrow he will return
to pick up the pieces again.

Joan McNerney’s poetry is published worldwide in over thirty-five countries in numerous literary magazines. Four Best of the Net nominations have been awarded to her. The Muse in Miniature, Love Poems for Michael, and At Work are available on Amazon.com. A new title Light & Shadows has recently been released.