"were you a walking wall or wolf and were you springing into the sun," "the fletch of king bacon or the earth of nine worlds," and "forest sauce is the lucky moon of the dirt"
were you a walking wall or wolf and were you springing into the sun
language rice is a moment of the faces
to squint at the butter
menthol joyce was a senior tree
I was the horrible ant
of course there is no wonder bread now
the wild mane of the northern yes
the green hammer shines like a lark puppet
there was a break in the light system to panda my own story
the fletch of king bacon or the earth of nine worlds
wearing my martian headphones
eating a squirrel pie
a confined aspen or apple
we didn’t move
to mirror up a gland
little satellite friend
to trigger the sun
the world of warm feathers
prefecture of the gum
a mirrored moon
forest sauce is the lucky moon of the dirt
one of the three times I climbed the tree to see the sun
to grow back the hair I lost in the rushing swoom
there was a bag of donuts and we ate the mall
and now for a report on the dust
I camp like a dollar hand the size of lemon
under the stairs counting bugs and now I’m a bug, too
to be the wrong king
the bark in berry amounts and blessing
that sad friend in the lumber yard
that miracle frown to bless the kingship soccer
the desert rose of the good smurf theory
I win the game using a black magic marker

J. D. Nelson (b. 1971) is the author of eleven print chapbooks and e-books of poetry, including purgatorio (wlovolw, 2024). His first full-length collection is in ghostly onehead (Post-Asemic Press, 2022). Visit his website, MadVerse.com, for more information and links to his published work. Nelson lives in Boulder, Colorado. He recommends the Denver Rescue Mission.