"Blended," "Syllables of Presence," and "Hearing or the _____________ of it"
Incorporated language of what my
father etched in
sacred forms of musical
interaction: sound, of its deity
combined with voice of mobile
teachings leading my physio
-logical becomings and
philosophies of rhythm
incorporating lesson
and specific demonstrations
of love and devotion to selves
exterior to my own.
To what my mother’s
done in continuing enhancing
my life, what it contains in
oscillating fabrics of warming into cold—
her voice a specific
timeline of remembrance,
that of leading my still
young wanderings through
cancer and familiar cave,
through sporadic days
of italicized language
finding what my father
said more toward my
youth than in the days
of watching crows expand
into an absconding
Syllables of Presence
an heirloom. Timid,
not yet authentic in the thinking of
predetermined heritage. My
were awakened through
the thinning hall of my dislocated dream, during the same
each gradated promissory gray
expanded into
joy of the brief encounter of the reuniting of mirrors
speaking into our trilogies of absence
Hearing or the _____________ of it
Saying yourself, using an identity of my unspoken name.
Each syllable of my smile’s
hiding hurries to contort what
attempts listening to my vocalized
brief these discoveries,
this jazz of freedom
writes tone into how
my speaking moves
Talking is what braids our hearing.
Hearing is the dragonfly’s vertical\
mimetic avalanche
of my voice fading
into echo

Felino A. Soriano was awarded the 2017 erbacce-prize for poetry. His writings appear in CHURN, BlazeVOX, 3:AM Magazine, The National Poetry Review, Small Po[r]tions, and elsewhere. His books of poetry include A Searching for Full Body Syllables: fragmented olio (2017), Aging within these syllables (2017), Acclimated Recollections (2017), and Vocal Apparitions: New & Selected Poems: 2012 – 2016 (2016).
Visit Of the poetry this jazz portends for more information.