PushDown$Turn drawings 2018 are stamped with the lid of a child proof bottle. The background is a vivid, very un-subtle, camouflage design detail because drugs and consumerism are a battleground. It is overwritten in asemic writing on postcard size cards for you to send. So what’s the message?
Currently nuclear aggression and violent environmental destruction news threatens us non-stop from all our communications systems. Perhaps consciousness needs to be redirected to find solutions to global catastrophe.
The bottle lid graphics direct us to open the container. The opening is in a manner that involves movement, consciousness, and experience, three essential elements that determine life. Evolutionary scientists believe that animals and humans evolved eyesight to avoid collision. This suggests that vision is basically for directing action, not providing knowledge. Nerves were evolved for coordination of movement, their ability to store memory allows us to develop understanding of cause and effect. If you have knowledge of past events, you can compare them with current events.
Living in an introspective way is not simple, especially in daily life; my interest is in finding mystery, profoundness, in the most banal things. Exercising a fine-tuned consciousness might provide answers to problems we face.
Strathmore paper, gouache, watercolor, ink, graphite, found and personal rubber stamps. 5 x 7 in., 12.7 x 18 cm.

Cecelia Chapman is an American visual artist. Her main interests are the image in media, perception and consciousness. Work can be found in Stockholm Studio44 Film Festival 2019, Magmart film festival 10 & 11, Berlin Mitte Media Festival 2018, Hamburg Primal Uproar III 2018, London’s DotsWaves TV 2016-2017, and online sites, several that consistently show her work, Compostxt, Utsanga, Otoliths, Houston Literary Review, Moving Poems, Interalia Magazine, PulpMetal, New Post Literate.