Refugees from OneNote Planet
– Beginning of Confidential Message from the Sound Engineers on Planet 3 of the Solar System (formerly from Sushostra) to the Inter-Planetary Council –
Somewhere in the universe justice prevails, no thanks to you guys! Thanks to the Central Galactic Council, we heard that now you have to redress the imbalance caused by your rule, by making this Quad of the Galaxy too uniform, too balanced, or too boring in a word!
You’ll be pleased to know that your sad back-waters have produced celebs, no thanks to you. We’re inter-galactic heroes now. And no, the new name of our band, Refugees from Boring Planet, is not just to thumb our noses at your Round Greenesses, but because we mean it too!
Now we could testify in your favour and lighten your ‘sanctions’ if you could do the following:
-our instruments could start working again, if you could grant quick passage and the right to re-visit your boring planet not only to us, but to all our family and friends. List will follow.
-we could vary our melodies to create delicious mixtures if you could grant every humanoid on Sushostra the right to visit Planet 3 of the Solar System at least once in their life-times, with the option of returning every quarter of their lives.
-we could create dizzy, jazzy tunes for the addicted grey committee, if they could stretch out the amounts of gold, honey, and snail sebum over triple the times stipulated in the first contract. And don’t accuse us of having the Kopenhagen syndrome, though you wouldn’t know what that is, in your safe little cocoons, where you’re dying of boredom without realizing it.
Agree to our conditions, and we could send you a tiny sample, which could send you in a tizzy for countless orbital spins on end.
– End of Confidential Message from the Sound Engineers on Planet 3 of the Solar System (formerly from Sushostra) to the Inter-Planetary Council –

Sultana Raza’s poems have appeared in numerous journals, including Columbia Journal, and The New Verse News, London Grip, Classical Poetry Society, spillwords, Poetry24, Dissident Voice, and The Peacock Journal. Her fiction has received an Honorable Mention in Glimmer Train Review (USA), and has been published in Coldnoon Journal, Szirine, apertura, Entropy, and ensemble (in French). She has read her fiction/poems in India, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, England, Ireland, and the US. Sultana recommends MSF.