Refugees from OneNote Planet
– Beginning of Message from the Probations Committee of the Inter-Planetary Council –
Sentence pronounced on the Sound Engineers of Sushostra presently on Planet Three of the Solar System:
While we realize the importance of your work on this planet, you are pronounced guilty of hiding an illegal alien in your shady sound facility on Sushostra. It doesn’t matter that you didn’t know who he was, or that he managed to allay any suspicions you may have had.
Besides fulfilling your duties on the said planet, you will perform additional civic tasks. You will clean out the dolphin pools on even days. On odd days, you will indulge in a very interesting new chore. You will ‘sweep’ the streets of the metropolis you currently find yourself in. By hand. No machines allowed.
You will be allowed to have access to your musical machines only when you are recording the dolphins. All the other tasks will be performed without any musical aid, whatsoever. No future appeal is possible in this case.
– End of Message from the Probations Committee of the Inter-Planetary Council –

Sultana Raza’s poems have appeared in numerous journals, including Columbia Journal, and The New Verse News, London Grip, Classical Poetry Society, spillwords, Poetry24, Dissident Voice, and The Peacock Journal. Her fiction has received an Honorable Mention in Glimmer Train Review (USA), and has been published in Coldnoon Journal, Szirine, apertura, Entropy, and ensemble (in French). She has read her fiction/poems in India, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, England, Ireland, and the US. Sultana recommends MSF.