Anthony Seidman

Anthony Seidman is a poet translator from Los Angeles who lived for years in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, where he commenced translating poets from the border region. Currently, he divides his time between L.A. and Mexicali, Mexico. He is the author of I Will Not Be a Butcher for the Wealthy and A Sleepless Man Sits Up In Bed (Eyewear Publishing), Where Thirsts Intersect (The Bitter Oleander), Smooth Talking Dog (Phoneme Media), translations from the Spanish of Roberto Castillo Udiarte, and Luna Park (Cardboard House Press), a translation of Luis Cardoza y Aragón. Seidman's poetry, articles, fiction, and translations have appeared recently in Huizache, Newsweek en español, Poetry International, World Literature Today, Poets & Writers, Ambit, Modern Poetry In Translation, and The Ecopoetry Anthology (Trinity University Press), Asymmetries: Contemporary Peruvian Poetry (Cardboard House Press), The California Prose Directory (Outpost 19), and Ni Una Más: Poemas por Ciudad Juárez (Amagord Ediciones).
and I pull a Hart Crane, and leap,
and my body dissolves, just a bit
of brine in the expanse of the Atlantic,
and my memories spread,
oil slick across the surface of the wake,