Marco Etheridge

Marco Etheridge is a writer of prose, an occasional playwright, and a part-time poet. He lives and writes in Vienna, Austria. His work has been featured in over one hundred reviews and journals across Canada, Australia, the UK, and the USA. His story “Power Tools” has been nominated for Best of the Web for 2023. “Power Tools” is Marco’s latest collection of short fiction. When he isn’t crafting stories, Marco is a contributing editor for a new ‘Zine called Hotch Potch. In his other life, Marco travels the world with his lovely wife Sabine. His web site is Marco recommends Doctors without Borders.
“What is poetry? And why trouble yourself with it? I’m thinking of the UnderBridge values here. You gotta ask yourself the essential questions. Can you eat it, hack it, fuck it, or steal it? If the answer is no, then why bother?”