Sharon Lopez Mooney

Sharon Lopez Mooney, poet, is a retired Interfaith Chaplain, who worked in the death and dying field, and now lives in Mexico on the Sea of Cortez. Mooney received a 1978 CA Arts Council Grant for a rural poetry series; co-published a regional arts journal; co-owned an alternative literature service; produced poetry readings and performances.
Sharon's poems are or will be published in: The MacGuffin, Fallow Deer, The Muddy River Poetry Review, The Voices Project, The Avalon Literary Review, Adelaide International Magazine, Galway Review, Ginosko Literary Journal, California Quarterly, Hags on Fire, The Ricochet Review; Roundtable Literary Journal; etal and anthologies: Calyx: Women and Aging; Cold Lake; Smoke & Myrrors (UK), among others. She recommends the Poor People’s Campaign.
Our silence bangs against the heater.
He draws the blinds partly closed,
says he longs to bring Jerusalem here,
heart of his, held captive when
they banished him, forbade return.