Strange Love
Is there a more enigmatic species? Humans have been fascinated by them and cultivated them for thousands of years. They orchestrate a dance of sex and death through complex strategies of attraction to ensure survival. Orchids are the earth’s most rapidly evolving species, the largest species of flowering plants, are twice the number of bird species, and four times greater than mammal species. Genetic sequencing shows orchids may have evolved more than 76-84 million years ago. Perhaps they have something to tell us about survival and the balance of life.
Over the years I have drawn and studied orchid markings, pattern and design is our way of attracting fate. Orchids speak the Asemic language. And they appear in two of my videos:
Orchid Farm 2008
Drone Drama: Music for the Dead 2016: Chapter 9
Lanaquarelle paper, gouache, watercolor, ink, graphite, personal rubber stamps. 9 x 12 in., 23 x 30.5 cm.

Cecelia Chapman is an American visual artist. Her main interests are the image in media, perception and consciousness. Work can be found in Stockholm Studio44 Film Festival 2019, Magmart film festival 10 & 11, Berlin Mitte Media Festival 2018, Hamburg Primal Uproar III 2018, London’s DotsWaves TV 2016-2017, and online sites, several that consistently show her work, Compostxt, Utsanga, Otoliths, Houston Literary Review, Moving Poems, Interalia Magazine, PulpMetal, New Post Literate.