Elizabeth Kirkpatrick-Vrenios

Elizabeth Kirkpatrick-Vrenios' award winning chapbook, Special Delivery, was published in the spring of 2016. Nominated for a Pushcart award for 2019, she has poems published in various anthologies including Stories of Music, Love Notes from Humanity, Hudson Review, Poeming Pidgeon, Passager, NILVX, Unsplendid, Scissors and Spackle and the American Journal of Poetry. She is a Professor Emerita from American University, artistic director of the Redwoods Opera in Mendocino, California, and has spent much of her life performing as a singing artist across Europe and the United States.
He has an app that flounders me in dopples, in gangers. Hello! I do not wish to linger. I dream of revenge that rankles, of gongs bonging when the time is up. I have heard that you can download the app.