Thomas Fink

Thomas Fink has published 12 books of poetry-- most recently Zeugma (Marsh Hawk Press, 2022) and A Pageant for Every Addiction (Marsh Hawk, 2020), written collaboratively with Maya D. Mason. His Selected Poems & Poetic Series appeared in 2016. He is the author of Reading Poetry with College and University Students: Overcoming Barriers and Deepening Engagement (Bloomsbury Academic, 2022), as well as two books of criticism, and three edited anthologies. His work appeared in Best American Poetry 2007. Fink’s paintings hang in various collections. He is Professor of English at CUNY-LaGuardia. Thomas recommends supporting the Native American Rights Fund. Portrait by Maya D. Mason.
Whispering scissors.
One skeletal
raconteur breeds
a wooden mood. Metallic puddles