Wess Mongo Jolley

Wess Mongo Jolley is a queer Canadian novelist, editor, podcaster, poet and poetry promoter. He is Founder and Executive Director of the Performance Poetry Preservation Project, and is most well-known for hosting the IndieFeed Performance Poetry Channel podcast for more than ten years.
His work has appeared in journals such as Off the Coast, Apparition Literary Magazine, PANK, The New Verse News, Danse Macabre, The Chamber Magazine, The Legendary, decomP, Dressing Room Poetry Journal, RFD, TreeHouse Arts, and in collections such as the Write Bloody Press book The Good Things About America.
Mongo writes and freelance edits full time from his home in Montreal, Quebec. Find him at http://wessmongojolley.com. Mongo recommends Urban Word NYC.
We’re the ones that remember words like buggery
and deviant, fairy and fudge packer and pansy—
Words we traded and collected
like bubble gum cards.