Unlikely Stories Presents

MELVIN SANDBERG can rhyme faster than you can think

To the Unlikely Stories home pageA teller and weaver of American mythologies, Melvin Sandberg presents us with images, struggles, and touches of humor that are distinctly American in their flavor, but cross-cultural in their appeal. Whether he's telling of social injustice or just spinning a yarn, you'll find his works are an easy pleasure to read.

Melvin says: "I developed a love for poetry at an early age from my father, a Hebrew teacher. While working for the Army as a civilian during the Korean War, I met and married the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, Kim Soon Jung. I fell in love with her at first sight and with every passing day loved her more, even after her death five years ago. She taught me the meaning of kindness, gentleness, sweetness, and love." He has no e-mail address, but you can reach him by writing to Unlikely Stories.

Melvin's works here at Unlikely Stories are:

History A Reasonable Man
Precursors of War Accept the Inevitable
An Unintended Offense Death on the Road
The Things I Should Have Done The Philandering Breeze
Metamorphosis When Walking with a Fool
Hope and Fear

Lightning and Joe A Hobson's Choice
Once Around Is Enough Doctor Knowitall
Smile The Lawyers Got the Money
The Carriage Horse The Devil's Gift
The Diagnosis The Difference Between a Recession and a Depression
The Doctor, the Chief, the Teacher, the Thief Who Were They
The Engish Test Historians and Prophets
The Runaway Rocket Autumn
All Hallow's Eve Proverbs
Envy Is the Foe of Honor Teach Them to Think
The Mighty Ocean The Eclipse
The Philanthropist The Long Forgotten Art
The Omnipotent Gourmet The Birth of the Sun

The Kiss of Death Self Scrutiny
When We Were Young The Question
Watching the Moon The Stolen Horse
Turnips and Travelers The War of the Navels
Snowball Barter
Burger King Is Down the Street The Dancer
Night Stalingrad
Maybe The Elusive Cadence
The Orphan Foal The Masquerade
Fate Little Bird
Even Republicans Can Fall in Love The Hungry Sea
Misplaced Trust The Tsunami
Night Song Halloween
The Birds' Chorus Korean War Bride

July 1999 - July 2000:
The Tell Tale Jewel A View from the Heights
The Flying Horse Wanderlust
To Ann When Pussycat Went to the Ball
How Aloysius Learned to Fly Rendezvous
The Changes of Time The Race
A Sunset a Plum and Dawn A Soldier's Dream
Call of the Woodlands The Fox Hunt
Echoes of Madness A Stranger at the Dance
The Harvestor The Difference a Suffix Can Make
Death on the Prairie