Schickling, Jared
Jared Schickling’s poems, essays, and interviews have appeared in many journals, some now defunct, including Interim; Marsh Hawk Review; 1913: a journal of forms; Drunken Boat; Bombay Gin; Ecopoetics; Exquisite Corpse; Cordite Poetry Review; Bookslut; Literary Imagination; The Café Review; Posit; Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review; Big Bridge; Jacket; Jacket2; Little Red Leaves; Poetry Northwest; Word For/Word: a journal of new writing; and anthologized in The End of the World Project Anthology (Moria Books) and Resist Much/Obey Little: Inaugural Poems to the Resistance (Dispatches Editions/Spuyten Duyvil). He is the author of several poetry books and chapbooks. He edited A Lyrebird: Selected Poems of Michael Farrell (Blazevox, 2017), and for some years edited a freely distributed, international mimeo-zine, eccolinguistics. He has worked in various editorial capacities for Alice James Books; Tarpaulin Sky; the Center for Literary Publishing at Colorado State University; New American Press and Mayday Magazine; Reconfigurations: A Journal for Poetics and Poetry / Literature and Culture; and behind the scenes for the recent Poetics for the More-than-Human World: An Anthology of Poetry and Commentary (Dispatches Editions/Spuyten Duyvil). He teaches English in Buffalo Public Schools, and edits Delete Press and The Mute Canary, publishers of poetry.
poetry, 96pp