Greenblatt, Michelle
Michelle Greenblatt (August 21, 1982 - October 19, 2015) was the Poetry and Music Editor for Unlikely Stories: Episode IV and previously served as Co-Editor of Poetry for the now-defunct AND PER SE AND. A two-time Pushcart Prize nominee, she was published in literary journals such as Poetry Magazine, Sugar Mule, Free Verse, Altered Scale, Sawbuck, Hamilton Stone Review, Moria, Shampoo, Coconut Poetry, BlazeVOX, X-stream, Counterexample Poetics, Word for/ Word, and Otoliths. Her first solo book, brain:storm, was published by Anabasis Press, and her second, ASHES AND SEEDS, was published by Unlikely Books in 2014. Other collaborative works include Ghazals with Sheila E. Murphy (Cricket Press, 2007) and Jump Beast with Jukka-Pekka Kervinen (cPress, 2011). She lived in South Florida with her beloved, Kyle.
poetry, 146pp
poetry & fiction, 140pp
poetry, 52pp
poetry, 166pp