DuCharme, Mark
Mark DuCharme is the author of more than twenty books and chapbooks, including five previous full-lengths: The Unfinished: Books I-VI, Answer, The Sensory Cabinet, Infinity Subsections, and Cosmopolitan Tremble. Other recent publications include Scorpion Letters, forthcoming from Ethel, and his work of poet’s theater, We, the Monstrous: Script for an Unrealizable Film, published by The Operating System. His poetry has appeared widely in such venues as BlazeVOX, Blazing Stadium, Caliban Online, Colorado Review, Eratio, First Intensity, Indefinite Space, New American Writing, Noon, Otoliths, Shiny, Talisman, Unlikely Stories, Word/ for Word, and Poetics for the More-Than-Human World: An Anthology of Poetry and Commentary. A recipient of the Neodata Endowment in Literature and the Gertrude Stein Award in Innovative American Poetry, he lives in Boulder, Colorado.
poetry, 142pp