Cecilia Martinez-Gil

Cecilia Martinez-Gil is the author of Psaltery and Serpentines (Gival Press 2010). Her second collection of poetry, a fix of ink was published by Finishing Line Press (2016). Her poems have been published in both English and Spanish at the international Levure Litteraire, The Paddock Review, Women’s Voices , Anthology of Latin American Writers in L.A., Imaginarias: Antología de Poesía and in her first chapbook Muecas de Fósforo (Caballo de Fuego 1987). She also co-wrote and played the lead character in the award-winning experimental video Itinerarios (CEMA 1988). Cecilia’s work in journalism has been published in several newspapers and magazines. She teaches English and Latin American Literatures at Santa Monica College. You can learn more about her at CeciliaMartinezGil.com. Cecilia recommends supporting GLAAD.
You said that I am fire to you
just when the candle went off.
You said that you burn when we make love,
that your body of water cannot
extinguish the fire that I light in you.