Cole Steffensen

Cole Steffensen is a writer, comedian, and gay villain based in Brooklyn. His words have been published in UC San Diego's The Triton, and his satire at The Muir Quarterly, as well as on his personal Substack Big Little Moments. He was a writer and performer on The PIT’s house sketch team Kennedy’s Mistress, and debuted his one man show Following Coinfarts at NYC Solocom. He also hosts the live variety-slash-game show series Sports for Gays (and Curious Straights), and has garnered millions of likes and views on his TikToks. In his day job, he’s a tech salesman at a big fancy company. Cole recommends donating to the Hetrick Martin Institute.
Ethan remembered this girl in his sixth grade class - Sarah, or Sam or something. It didn’t matter now. He had asked her to the spring dance, and she turned him down. Ethan swore revenge.