Maria Damon

Maria Damon teaches poetry and poetics at Pratt Institute of Art. She has written scholarly books about modern "American" poetry and collaborative poetry books with Adeena Karasick, Alan Sondheim, mIEKAL aND, and Jukka-Pekka Kervinen, and has published two chapbooks of x-stitch visual poetry.
Headless poor unting nut nut not pooh unch nut headless nodding
pooch unning and pool unch the headless nut poot ut poon ut nut nut
nut nut nut nut nut nut nut nut do that now immediate pook ot no
no no spoo ace.!? Punk no poop unk poo unk poom unk poof unk poohah
o corrosion of coriolas
o cauterization of victrolas and cylinders and disks
of the uncanny silence of lands and lakes
o the noisy skies, jewls of the viscous depths
o kupu, hanasu, mourning
Krachan wake up read a nice Joyce. KRAKEN Wake up. rejoice. Keret KENWAKEUPREADGOYCE.
At this point in the convo finnigan aka FINNEGOOM went back to sleep. Slooming into the sweet gloomish oobloovioom.