Shaina Monet

Winner of the 2018 Iowa Review Award in poetry and the 2017 Vassar Miller Poetry Award, Shaina Monet is a New Orleans native. She also serves as a poetry editor at Bayou Magazine. Her work has appeared in Crazyhorse, Unlikely Stories, Sundog Lit, and Yemassee Journal. Currently, she has poems forthcoming in The Iowa Review. Find more about her work at:
I can dream being into another body, yes, but not this
you. the screen light, once more, a fission of text.
a continuance. I mean to say something to you, as you are
not dead, and I am in a body that I know knows
You say he was a good man. he wouldn’t like
My pulling out my eyelash, eyebrow, arm hair
Now. now, mommy, it’s okay. I know you
Remember me with hair—braids with colored,
Plastic balls settled at the top of a nest of black—